Jesse Lott
Interim Senior Pastor
Pastor Jesse believes strongly in the inerrancy, authority and sufficiency of Scripture
found in God’s Word, the Bible. He believes that, as 2nd Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scripture
is given by inspiration of God,” and that it is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness.” The Bible is the sole source of authority for his
life and ministry. He therefore seeks to live his life and carry out his ministry in accordance
with Scripture. He fully endorses and subscribes to the doctrines outlined in the Baptist Faith
and Message 2000.
Brother Jesse has the heart of a pastor and has a deep love for Christ’s church. His
greatest joy is serving as a pastor. He has devoted his entire ministry to serving as a local
church pastor. For the forty-four years of his ministry, the Lord has afforded him the
privilege of pastoring churches in Louisiana and North Carolina. Pastor Jesse served as the
pastor of Catawba Valley Baptist from 1992 through 2001, and now, God has brought him
back to serve as pastor for this season in the life of Catawba Valley. He is thrilled to be back
and to shepherd this special flock! He has a deep love for God’s people called Catawba
Valley Baptist Church. He longs to see God glorified by the church growing and thriving, and
shining brightly as The Light in the Valley.
His pastor’s heart desires to see believers going deeper and growing stronger in their
walk with Christ. He also desires to see Christians going out and making Jesus known
wherever they go each day. This is only possible when they are deeply rooted in God’s
Word. This is why Pastor Jesse is committed to expositional, verse-by-verse, text-driven
preaching and teaching. He is best known for his uncompromising commitment to preaching
the Word of God and his expositional style characterized by a clear explanation of Scripture
with a down-to-earth delivery.
He has a Bachelors of Science Degree in Accounting from Southeastern Louisiana
University in Hammond, Louisiana and a Masters of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary. He is a life-long student.
Pastor Jesse is a native of Bogalusa, Louisiana. He is married to his high school
sweetheart. He and Cyndi have been married forty-five years. They have two daughters and
three grandchildren. In his spare time, Brother Jesse enjoys spending time with Madi Beth,
Micah and Axton. He also enjoys reading. Most of all, he just enjoys spending time with his
wife - doing whatever. This year, he has especially enjoyed watching the New England
Patriots lose in football.
found in God’s Word, the Bible. He believes that, as 2nd Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scripture
is given by inspiration of God,” and that it is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness.” The Bible is the sole source of authority for his
life and ministry. He therefore seeks to live his life and carry out his ministry in accordance
with Scripture. He fully endorses and subscribes to the doctrines outlined in the Baptist Faith
and Message 2000.
Brother Jesse has the heart of a pastor and has a deep love for Christ’s church. His
greatest joy is serving as a pastor. He has devoted his entire ministry to serving as a local
church pastor. For the forty-four years of his ministry, the Lord has afforded him the
privilege of pastoring churches in Louisiana and North Carolina. Pastor Jesse served as the
pastor of Catawba Valley Baptist from 1992 through 2001, and now, God has brought him
back to serve as pastor for this season in the life of Catawba Valley. He is thrilled to be back
and to shepherd this special flock! He has a deep love for God’s people called Catawba
Valley Baptist Church. He longs to see God glorified by the church growing and thriving, and
shining brightly as The Light in the Valley.
His pastor’s heart desires to see believers going deeper and growing stronger in their
walk with Christ. He also desires to see Christians going out and making Jesus known
wherever they go each day. This is only possible when they are deeply rooted in God’s
Word. This is why Pastor Jesse is committed to expositional, verse-by-verse, text-driven
preaching and teaching. He is best known for his uncompromising commitment to preaching
the Word of God and his expositional style characterized by a clear explanation of Scripture
with a down-to-earth delivery.
He has a Bachelors of Science Degree in Accounting from Southeastern Louisiana
University in Hammond, Louisiana and a Masters of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary. He is a life-long student.
Pastor Jesse is a native of Bogalusa, Louisiana. He is married to his high school
sweetheart. He and Cyndi have been married forty-five years. They have two daughters and
three grandchildren. In his spare time, Brother Jesse enjoys spending time with Madi Beth,
Micah and Axton. He also enjoys reading. Most of all, he just enjoys spending time with his
wife - doing whatever. This year, he has especially enjoyed watching the New England
Patriots lose in football.

Jim Smith
Worship Arts and Administrator
Jim serves in the capacity of Worship Arts and Administrator. He is gifted in the area of encouragement and administration. Jim is passionate about bringing worshipers of all ages together by engaging them to focus on the presence of our Holy God. Jim has excelled in growing and building strong ministries. He has a deep love for local and foreign missions and has a very diverse and creative background in missions logistics. Jim has served on in churches in the region for over 25 years in regional churches in the capacities of youth, music, administration, programming and worship arts.
Eric Davis
Education Director
Eric is a native of the great state of West Virginia where he grew up and graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. He relocated to the wonderful area of Morganton, NC in 2001 and began his education career. He currently resides and teaches in McDowell County. During this time he has also earned a Master’s degree and several other certifications. In his lifetime he has served and volunteered in many areas of the churches I attended prior to calling Catawba Valley Baptist Church home. He is excited to be the Education Director and looks forward to where we as a church are going together.
As a child he was brought up going to Sunday School & Worship Service weekly. Through the guidance of his parents, Pastor, and Sunday School teachers he learned what salvation was and how important it is to be saved. At the age of nine while completing a Boy Scout Project called “God & Family” I realized while talking with my Pastor that I wanted the guarantee of Internal Life through salvation. At that point I prayed and accepted the Lord into my heart as my savior. Later I took part in believers baptism.
As a child he was brought up going to Sunday School & Worship Service weekly. Through the guidance of his parents, Pastor, and Sunday School teachers he learned what salvation was and how important it is to be saved. At the age of nine while completing a Boy Scout Project called “God & Family” I realized while talking with my Pastor that I wanted the guarantee of Internal Life through salvation. At that point I prayed and accepted the Lord into my heart as my savior. Later I took part in believers baptism.

Vicki Shuping
Children's Director
Vicki has been serving her Lord for over 30 years, and has served in various areas
from children's ministry, youth ministry, young adult, and women’s ministry
responsibilities. She is gifted in the areas of administration, outreach, and
supporter. She is passionate in providing opportunities to sharing the gospel. She
has served in 3 local churches in which, two she followed God’s leading in
implementing and developing programs to strengthen the children’s ministry
allowing them to experience summer camp, VBS and build a new facility. She has a
love for missions which started as a GA in childhood. This led to numerous
opportunities to participate in mission trips, mission focused events in the church
and annual attendance of summer camp at South Mountain Baptist Camp for over
20 years.
As a Certified Medical Assistant by trade, she has worked in the community for 37
years as CMA(AAMA), Asst. Manager, Practice Manager and now educator at WPCC.
These opportunities have increased her compassion for people not only physically
but spiritually.
Vicki is a native of Lenoir, NC. She has an Associates in Applied Science degree
from WPCC and has extended studies throughout the years. She had the privilege
of being raised in a Godly home and came to know Christ at the age of 9 following a
summer VBS at her home church. She has been married to her husband David for
36 years. They have 2 dogs (Ruth & Boaz) and numerous nieces and nephews. In
spare time, she enjoys music, photography of the outdoors and baking.
from children's ministry, youth ministry, young adult, and women’s ministry
responsibilities. She is gifted in the areas of administration, outreach, and
supporter. She is passionate in providing opportunities to sharing the gospel. She
has served in 3 local churches in which, two she followed God’s leading in
implementing and developing programs to strengthen the children’s ministry
allowing them to experience summer camp, VBS and build a new facility. She has a
love for missions which started as a GA in childhood. This led to numerous
opportunities to participate in mission trips, mission focused events in the church
and annual attendance of summer camp at South Mountain Baptist Camp for over
20 years.
As a Certified Medical Assistant by trade, she has worked in the community for 37
years as CMA(AAMA), Asst. Manager, Practice Manager and now educator at WPCC.
These opportunities have increased her compassion for people not only physically
but spiritually.
Vicki is a native of Lenoir, NC. She has an Associates in Applied Science degree
from WPCC and has extended studies throughout the years. She had the privilege
of being raised in a Godly home and came to know Christ at the age of 9 following a
summer VBS at her home church. She has been married to her husband David for
36 years. They have 2 dogs (Ruth & Boaz) and numerous nieces and nephews. In
spare time, she enjoys music, photography of the outdoors and baking.

Sarah Harrison
Administrative Assistant
Sarah has served as church secretary for over 3 years, and grew up in Catawba Valley. She has two daughters, and helps assist with ministries at her church along, Amherst Baptist, along with her husband Ben.

Cathy Knight
Cathy and her family have helped take care of CVBC for many years. They are a true blessing to the family of our church.